Who’s responsible for this site?

Photo of Itamar Turner-Trauring


I’m Itamar Turner-Trauring, creator of this site and of Sciagraph, a performance and memory profiler for Python data science and scientific computing.

I’m also the author of open source tools like:

  • Fil, a memory profiler for Python.
  • Eliot, an open source tracing logging library, suited for data science, scientific computing, and small-scale distributed systems.

My big picture goal: support useful software development (no blockchain bullshit here!) and fight climate change. Faster software means less CO₂ emissions; speeding up scientific computing allows us to speed up the creation of new solutions, from vaccines to more efficient energy grids.

In my spare time I volunteer with a local bicycle safety advocacy group, helping to push Cambridge, MA to more sustainable forms of transportation. The local ordinance we passed has been emulated by much larger US cities like Seattle and Washington, DC, and is part of the inspiration for current efforts in Los Angeles and Chicago.

Got any questions? Send me an email.