The surprising way to save memory with BytesIO

If you need a file-like object that stores bytes in memory in Python, chances are you you’re using Pytho’s built-in io.BytesIO(). And since you’re already using an in-memory object, if your data is big enough you probably should try to save memory when reading that data back out. After all, it’s better not to have two copies of all the data in memory when only one will suffice.

In this article we’ll cover:

  • A quick intro to BytesIO.
  • The memory usage impacts of
  • The two alternatives for accessing BytesIO data efficiently, and the tradeoffs between them.

So what’s a BytesIO?

Python’s io.BytesIO allows you to create a file-like object that stores bytes in memory:

from io import BytesIO

f = BytesIO()
f.write(b"hello ")
assert == b"hello world"

The problem with

At some point you might want to access the data in the BytesIO directly, as a bytes or memoryview object. We’ll talk about what a memoryview is and why you might want it a bit later.

As we saw above, since BytesIO is a file-like object we can just use its read() method to extract bytes. If you can read() repeatedly, loading one small chunk at a time, that’s no problem.

But if you need to access all the data at once, using read() comes at the cost of doubling the amount of memory used. To demonstrate the problem, we’ll write a utility function that measures how much extra memory we’ve allocated:

import gc
import tracemalloc
from contextlib import contextmanager

def report_allocated(action: str):
    print(action + ":")
    current, _ = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory()
        new_current, _ = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory()
        additional = max(new_current - current, 0)
            "  Allocated additional",
            round(additional / (1024 * 1024)),

            "  Allocated additional",
            round((new_current - current) / (1024 * 1024)),

We can then measure memory usage from creating a BytesIO and then calling read():

with report_allocated("Creating BytesIO"):
    f = BytesIO()
    chunk = b"X" * (1024 * 1024)
    for _ in range(50):

with report_allocated(""):
    data : bytes =

Here’s the output:

Creating BytesIO:
  Allocated additional 57 MiB
  Allocated additional 50 MiB

As you can see, read() creates a whole new copy of the data, using a lot more memory. Can we do better?

BytesIO.getbuffer(): getting a memoryview of the data

One useful method BytesIO has that regular files don’t is BytesIO.getbuffer(): it returns a memoryview of the underlying data. Unlike bytes objects, a memoryview is a view into existing memory, so using it doesn’t allocate any new memory:

with report_allocated("Creating BytesIO"):
    # ... same as above ...

with report_allocated("BytesIO.getbuffer()"):
    data : memoryview = f.getbuffer()

When we run this, we get:

Creating BytesIO:
  Allocated additional 57 MiB

  Allocated additional 0 MiB

Problem solved! In some cases, anyway; you can write a memoryview to a regular file, for example. But sometimes a memoryview isn’t what you want.

Some limitations of memoryview

One problem with memoryview is that it lacks many of the methods that bytes has. For example, we can’t do memoryview.find():

>>> data = b"abcd"
>>> data.find(b"c")
>>> data_view = memoryview(data)
>>> data_view.find(b"c")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<python-input-3>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'memoryview' object has no attribute 'find'

A more obscure but still real problem is accessing memoryview objects from compiled extensions. Access has to happen using the Python buffer protocol. These are part of the stable C ABI only starting in CPython version 3.11.

At the time of writing, most open source projects are also supporting Python 3.10 and 3.9. If you’re working on such a project, and it’s compiling a single extension using the 3.9 or 3.10 versions of the ABI (i.e. abi3 wheels), you can’t use the buffer protocol yet. Which means you can’t access memoryview objects. This problem will go away in October 2027 when 3.10 is end-of-life and open source projects drop support for anything before 3.11.

From memoryview to bytes

You can deal with both these limitations by creating a new bytes object out of a memoryview, e.g.:

>>> new_data = bytes(data_view)

But that copies the data, allocating memory and undoing all the memory-saving benefits of using BytesIO.getbuffer(). In other words, bytes(my_bytesio.getbuffer()) uses the same amount of memory as So that’s not helpful.

BytesIO.getvalue(): surprisingly efficient

Another options is BytesIO.getvalue(), which returns the contents of the BytesIO as a bytes object. My assumption has always been that this creates a copy of the underlying data.

I was wrong! The CPython developers are actually much smarter than that.

with report_allocated("Creating BytesIO"):
    # ... same as above ...

with report_allocated("BytesIO.getvalue()"):
    data : bytes = f.getvalue()

When run, we get:

Creating BytesIO:
  Allocated additional 57 MiB

  Allocated additional 0 MiB

This is magic. We’re getting a new bytes object, without allocating any memory.

How does this work? BytesIO is using copy-on-write. Internally, it keeps a reference to the new bytes object returned from getvalue(). So long as you don’t write to the BytesIO, any reads can happen off the same memory. But when you write to the BytesIO, it knows it can’t modify the current memory anymore (since bytes are supposed to be read-only) and only at this point will it allocate new memory.

with report_allocated("Creating BytesIO"):
    # ... same as above ...

with report_allocated("BytesIO.getvalue()"):
    data : bytes = f.getvalue()

with report_allocated("write to BytesIO"):, 2)  # go to the end of the file

When we run this we get:

Creating BytesIO:
  Allocated additional 57 MiB

  Allocated additional 0 MiB

write to BytesIO:
  Allocated additional 56 MiB

This allows BytesIO.getvalue() to allocate no memory in the common case where you only read from the BytesIO after you’re done writing.

To see some real-world impacts of switching from read() to getvalue(), see this pull request I opened against Polars; the work was sponsored by G-Research’s open source program office.

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getvalue() or getbuffer()?

To summarize, if you want to minimize memory usage when extracting data from BytesIO:

  • Avoid unless you’re doing a series of small reads.
  • If you need all the contents as bytes, use BytesIO.getvalue().
  • If you can use memoryview, use BytesIO.getbuffer().

Learn even more techniques for reducing memory usage—read the rest of the Larger-than-memory datasets guide for Python.