Using portable SIMD in stable Rust

In a previous post we saw that you can speed up code significantly on a single core using SIMD: Single Instruction Multiple Data. These specialized CPU instructions allow you to, for example, add 4 values at once with a single instruction, instead of the usual one value at a time. The performance improvement you get compounds with multi-core parallelism: you can benefit from both SIMD and threading at the same time.

Unfortunately, SIMD instructions are specific both to CPU architecture and CPU model. Thus ARM CPUs as used on modern Macs have different SIMD instructions than x86-64 CPUs. And even if you only care about x86-64, different models support different instructions; the i7-12700K CPU in my current computer doesn’t support AVX-512 SIMD, for example.

One way to deal with this is to write custom versions for each variation of SIMD instructions. Another is to use a portable SIMD library, that provides an abstraction layer on top of these various instruction sets.

In the previous post we used the std::simd library. It is built-in to the Rust standard library… but unfortunately it’s currently only available when using an unstable (“nightly”) compiler.

How you can write portable SIMD if you want to use stable Rust? In this article we’ll:

  • Introduce the wide crate, that lets you write portable SIMD in stable Rust.
  • Show how it can be used to reimplement the Mandelbrot algorithm we previously implemented with std::simd.
  • Go over the pros and cons of these alternatives.

wide: Portable SIMD in stable Rust

The wide crate implements a portable SIMD abstraction that then gets compiled to x86-64 or ARM SIMD instructions. When the underlying instructions don’t support the operation, the code is written in a way that hopefully allows the compiler to generate SIMD instructions on its own (“autovectorization”).

To see how it differs from std::simd, here’s the Mandelbrot implementation we originally looked at using std::simd:

use std::simd::prelude::*;

type u64s = u64x8;
type u32s = u32x8;
type f64s = f64x8;

struct Complex {
    real: f64s,
    imag: f64s,

fn get_count(start: &Complex) -> u32s {
    let mut current = start.clone();
    let mut count = u64s::splat(0);
    let threshold_mask = f64s::splat(THRESHOLD);

    for _ in 0..ITER_LIMIT {
        let rr = current.real * current.real;
        let ii = current.imag * current.imag;

        let undiverged_mask = (rr + ii).simd_le(
        if !undiverged_mask.any() {

        count +=

        let ri = current.real * current.imag;

        current.real = start.real + (rr - ii);
        current.imag = start.imag + (ri + ri);

// ... a bunch more code here drives get_count() ...

Here’s the same code ported to use wide:

use wide::*;

type i64s = i64x4;
type f64s = f64x4;

struct Complex {
    real: f64s,
    imag: f64s,

fn get_count(start: &Complex) -> i64s {
    let mut current = start.clone();
    let mut count = f64s::splat(0.0);
    let threshold_mask = f64s::splat(THRESHOLD);

    for _ in 0..ITER_LIMIT {
        let rr = current.real * current.real;
        let ii = current.imag * current.imag;

        let undiverged_mask = (rr + ii).cmp_le(
        if !undiverged_mask.any() {

        count += undiverged_mask.blend(

        let ri = current.real * current.imag;
        current.real = start.real + (rr - ii);
        current.imag = start.imag + (ri + ri);

The code is quite similar, with only minor differences:

  • There’s no 8-value (“lane”) structure for f64 and i64, so we’re limited to 4 lanes.
  • simd_le() is called cmp_le(), and returns a f64x4 instead of a Mask<i64, 4>.
  • select() is called blend(), and we end up having to use f64x4 there.

Note: You can see all the code, and other implementations, in the GitHub repo.

The benefits of using wide, and one downside

The biggest benefit of using wide is that it runs on stable Rust, you don’t need an unstable (“nightly”) version of the compiler. Because it’s not stable, std::simd could change at any time, and it therefore requires you to pin the compiler version to a specific nightly build. In contrast, wide is just another Rust crate, with the same API stability guarantees any library has, and the ability to use the latest version of Rust with no risk of breakage.

How about performance? In this particular case, the code written with wide is somewhat slower than std::simd, although both are much faster than the scalar Mandelbrot implementation:

Version Runtime (single core) Runtime (multi-core)
Scalar 617 ms 45 ms
std::simd 135 ms 16 ms
wide 223 ms 19 ms

This doesn’t necessarily mean wide will always be slower. I haven’t done any profiling, or looked at the generated code, to try to figure out why they differ.

A lack of API docs, and how to deal with it

The main downside I see to using wide is the limited API documentation. For example, the following APIs have no documentation as of 0.7.28:

  • wide::f64x4::blend(), which we saw in use above. I deduced what it did because it had the same signature as std::simd::f64x8::select().
  • wide::f64x4::move_mask(). If you already know SIMD programming, you might know what this does, but otherwise it’s completely unclear.

That being said, many of the APIs are pretty straightforward: it’s pretty clear what log10() does. Some APIs are documented. And some APIs you can figure out with a bit of research.

In particular, wide is a wrapper around the safe_arch crate, which is maintained by the same author. And the APIs in safe_arch do have documentation, so you should be able to map from the more abstract API in wide to specific APIs in safe_arch to figure out what is going on.

For our two undocumented APIs above:

A reminder: you need to enable SIMD CPU features

As discussed more extensively in the original post, you need to ensure the compiler actually uses SIMD extensions. This will compile your code targeting your particular CPU:

$ RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release

Again, I hope to write a follow-up article about how to release portable binaries, which will be linked from here when I do.

Another alternative: pulp

The pulp is another high level SIMD abstraction for Rust that runs on stable. It is a higher-level abstraction, in that it does the batching for you (not shown in this article), as well as having per-CPU-architecture runtime dispatch built-in. It’s also better documented than wide!

The author of pulp kindly contributed an implementation of the Mandelbrot algorithm using pulp, which you can see in the GitHub repo that showcases all the different Mandelbrot implementations I’ve gathered.

You can use SIMD now!

Using SIMD can make your code faster, in a completely different and complementary way to other optimizations. Portable SIMD libraries allow you to write more abstract, portable code, so you can take advantage of SIMD across CPU models and architectures. And wide and pulp are available in stable Rust, so you can start using SIMD now, whether in Rust applications or in Python extensions.

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